Life's getting busier. Don't fall behind.

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Serious strategies for your busiest days.

You're heading into the busiest time of the year. What will you do when it feels like you're running out of time? Don't panic. This is your moment.

Have you missed any of our emails or worksheets lately? Catch up on the Home Stretch 2021 series here and get all our free resources.

Today's worksheet will help hone your personal strategy for maximizing your time during the next few busy weeks. Here is your FREE worksheet to use today.

Successful people can create time out of thin air. It is all about looking at your time and your abilities in a strategic way.

Here are some of the best strategies that you can start using TODAY to improve your ability to get things done, even when life is busy and your time is limited.

1. Prepare for small moments of productivity.

We all lose time every day like a slowly leaking sink. One drop here, one drop there. It's hard to notice because each increment of lost time is small — but when you strategically plan for making the most of those small moments, you easily win back hours of potential productivity.

Make a list of tasks you can do in 5, 10, and 20 minutes. Instead of checking social media or scrambling to figure out something to do, you can simply consult your list and knock one item off.

2. Get crystal clear on what matters.

It's time to focus and prioritize. You'd love to do it all, but what will matter most? If, for the next few weeks, you have to narrow your focus any further than you already have, be prepared to do so. 

Go back to the decision-making process from this previous worksheet to help focus even more deeply if need be. Remember that your actual results matter more than what you wish you could have done.

3. Delegate as much as humanly possibly.

When your time is limited, it becomes more precious. You cannot afford to spend it on things other than what truly matters (see above).

Get creative here. Remember, delegating isn't just for work. You can temporarily delegate household tasks (cleaning, childcare, meal prep, grocery shopping, laundry) by bringing in help from family members or using paid services. It doesn't have to be forever, though you may discover some areas that are ready for long-term delegation. Don't keep doing something simply because you've always done it before.

At work, don't be afraid to say no to tasks that don't need to be done by you. Saying no doesn't have to be confrontational. It can always look like a conversation or a question: proposing a later deadline, suggesting parts that can be done by others, or finding ways the task can be streamlined. 

4. Optimize your routines.

Mindfulness isn't only meditation; bringing awareness to your daily habits can be life-changing when it comes to productivity.

You're not a robot, and you can't be productive every second of every day. But chances are there are a lot of things you do inefficiently that wouldn't be hard to change. 

For example, if you're scattered in the morning, try making a morning to-do list the night before to help keep yourself on track. Or try using timers to keep yourself from dawdling on tasks throughout the day.

Your routines are what make up your life. And that is what will determine your success.

No new worksheet next week, since we know many of you will be traveling and resting for the Thanksgiving holiday. We'll be back the following week to get you ready to take on the rest of this year. :)

You can do this.

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